Galerie b2_ – f/stop Satellite

Anna Vovan: Self in Letters

Caroline Hake: Spot – Five Selected Works

Galerie b2_

Spinnereistraße 7, 04179 Leipzig

Wednesday – Friday: 2 -6 pm | Saturday: 11 am – 4 pm and upon request

Anna Vovan

29 May – 27 June 2021

Solo show by Anna Vovan at Galerie b2_. Anna Vovan (*1980) studied photography and communication design and made her postgraduate studies at Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) Leipzig. In her work Vovan plays with language and experiments with different media.

Caroline Hake

19 June – 10 July 2021

In the online presentation, Caroline Hake (*1968) together with colleagues reflects on five selected works. Caroline Hake studied photography in Leipzig and lives and works in Braunschweig.