Main Exhibition


The 9th f/stop – Festival für Fotografie Leipzig responds to our new future with TRUST/vertrauen. Trust is central to the COVID 19 crisis, the Black Lives Matter revolution, the #metoo movement, fake news, elections, dealing with technology and equally in our personal lives. Trust, more than ever, is crucial to the way we conduct ourselves on both a personal and a societal level.

TRUST/vertrauen presents in its exhibition artists whose different ways of dealing with trust all invite us to think about trust, consensuality, artistic agency, computerised relationships, faith, the body and intimacy.


The curators Susan Bright und Nina Strand have curated a tightly conceived group show. This allows slow looking’ by presenting large bodies of work by each artist.


The duo has invited artists to respond directly to the theme TRUST, and have chosen artists whose work specifically challenges and questions the medium and what images we can trust.


The main exhibition TRUST/vertrauen shows works from Hoda Afshar (IR/AUS), Viktoria Binschtok (GER), Ingrid Eggen (NOR), Paul Mpagi Sepuya (USA), Laure Prouvost (FRA), Carmen Winant (USA) and Guanyu Xu (CHN).



Essay on TRUST/vertrauen

by Susan Bright and Nina Strand

curators of the 9th edition of f/stop – Festival für Fotografie Leipzig

Baumwollspinnerei, Werkschau (Hall 12)

Exhibition days: 26 June to 4 July 2021

Opening hours: daily 12 to 21 h


Time slot ticket and registration required!

Admission: free


25.06. Opening (invited guests)

Guided tours: Sat & Sun at 3 pm

Time slot booking

Guided tours

On Saturday and Sunday, f/stop offers a guided tour of the main exhibition TRUST/vertrauen at 3 pm each day. Prior registration is required. The number of participants is limited.

Audio Guide

An audio guide presents the selected works in the main exhibition TRUST/vertrauen and provides insights into the artists‘ working methods.

The audio guide is available online in GERMAN and ENGLISH.



Fr, 25. 6. 2021

Eröffnung des Festivals (geladene Gäste)    

Opening of the 9th f/stop festival (invitation only)

Sa, 26. 6. 2021

kuratorische Führung durch die Hauptausstellung    

Guided tour of the main exhibition with curator Nina Strand (in English)

Book your time slot here

Führung durch die Ausstellung    

Guided tour of the main exhibition – in German

Book your time slot here

Su, 27. 6. 2021

kuratorische Führung durch die Hauptausstellung    

Guided tour of the main exhibition with curator Nina Strand – in English

Book your time slot here

Führung durch die Ausstellung    

Guided tour of the main exhibition – in German

Book your time slot here

Sa, 3. 7. 2021

Führung durch die Ausstellung    

Tour of the Exhibition

Book your time slot here

Su, 4. 7. 2021

Führung durch die Ausstellung    

Guided tour of the main exhibition 

Book your time slot here