
Formats of the 9th f/stop Festival

The 9th f/stop – Festival für Fotografie Leipzig will take place at the Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei and online. In addition, the f/stop SATELLITES will complement Leipzig’s urban space with their own events.


The main exhibition TRUST/vertrauen of the 9th f/stop will show works from Hoda Afshar (IR/AUS), Viktoria Binschtok (GER), Ingrid Eggen (NOR), Paul Mpagi Sepuya (USA), Laure Prouvost (FRA), Carmen Winant (USA) and Guanyu Xu (CHN).


Exhibition: TRUST/vertrauen

Baumwollspinnerei, exhibition (Hall 12)

Spinnereistraße 7, 04179 Leipzig


26.06. until 04.07.2021

daily 12 to 9 pm


Reservation of a time slot ticket is required in advance.

Admission is free this year!


Accessibility: Hall 12 is accessible at ground level.

Unfortunately, a barrier-free toilet is not available.



Online: Digital Wonderings curated by Susan Bright and Nina Strand: A series of online discourses around the curatorial theme of TRUST/vertrauen.

f/stop CLOSE UP

Carmen Winant has designed new posters especially for the 9th edition, which will be displayed on City Light posters throughout the city as well as being the opening exhibit in the Werkschau in the main exhibition.


Exhibition: Carmen Winant

Posters at 45 locations in Leipzig’s urban space

22.06. until 06.07.2021


In the exhibition Come Closer, 21 students of the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts reflect on the curatorial theme TRUST/vertrauen with their own works.


Exhibition: Come Closer

Baumwollspinnerei (Hall 14 basement),

Spinnereistr. 7, 04179 Leipzig


26.06. until 04.07.2021

daily 12 to 9 pm

Time slot ticket and registration required!


25.06. Opening, 5 to 9 pm (only with pre-registration to Come Closer).


Online: Blog posts on the making of the exhibition in dialogue with the curators Susan Bright and Nina Strand.

f/stop LABOR

Blind photographers, young migrants, pupils and deaf people: At f/stop LABOR, we look at the topic of TRUST/vertrauen from very different perspectives. The socio-cultural perspectives deal with questions of social cohesion. In the lab, four groups experiment and develop their own works in dialogue with the artistic positions of the main exhibition, from an essay to a vodcast to a billboard. The development processes can be followed online.


Online: f/stop LABOR


Various Leipzig-based organizations, project spaces, galleries and museums are expanding the festival again this year with their own photographic contributions as f/stop SATELLITES throughout the city.


Exhibitions and online: f/stop SATELLITEN


Please note: Before visiting the exhibitions and events, please contact the respective organisers to find out about the current hygiene measures. In some cases, a reservation for a time slot ticket is required in advance.


f/stop TALKS

Online discussion formats will be held daily to explore the exhibition theme TRUST/vertrauen in greater depth. The respective online link will be published in the event calendar and at f/stop TALKS.


Participation is free of charge.


Online: f/stop TALKS 


„Make it blue! – Cyanotype printing, also called blue printing, is an old photographic noble printing process and takes place without a camera. With coated paper that turns blue in the sunlight, blue photograms are created by applying a wide variety of objects.


Baumwollspinnerei, open space

next to the Werkschau (Hall 12),

Spinnereistr. 7, 04179 Leipzig


Sunday, 27.06.2021 and

Sunday, 04.07.2021,

1 to 6 p.m., every hour


Participation: free of charge

Registration: required on site

f/stop FILM

„Shot in the dark“ shows the work of Bruce Hall, Sonia Soberats and Pete Eckert: an intimate portrait of three blind photographers whose visual impairment has become the starting point for their visual explorations and poses fundamental questions about seeing and imagining.


Film: „Shot in the dark“ (2017), documentary by Frank Amann, 79 min.

Saturday, 03.07.2021, 10 pm


Open Air Cinema at the Spinnerei,


Spinnereistr. 7, 04179 Leipzig


Admission: 6 €


f/stop goes on tour with the Electric Cinema, presented by Schaubühne Lindenfels. We will present this year’s artists of the main exhibition TRUST/vertrauen on various facades and walls all around the city.


25/26/27.06.2021 as well as


after dark.


Information on the tours available directly via Schaubühne Lindenfels facebook and instagram channel as well as the Schaubühne Website.

f/stop CAFE

Relax comfortably under shady trees in the Mule Biergarten.


f/stop Festival Café: Mule Garden


Spinnereistraße 7, 04179 Leipzig


open Mon to Sat from 11 am to 10 pm